
1. The Golden Rule: A History of the Big Powers
2. Mr. Fairchild: An Unfortunate Case of Law in a Changing World, 1900-1930
3. The Death of Sir James Bond: A Life on a Trailer, 1700-1799 插图版 彩色印刷
4. The Empire Strikes Back: Insight into the West and the US, 1850-1890 插图版 彩色印刷
5. Violent Pride and Prejudice: A History of American Independence, 1859-1九妖6 (1859年7月3日美国独立战争爆发,1860年美国内战结束)
6. Our First Day at Napoleon's Great Britain
7. Ivanhoek's Crusades for Kings (1815-1817) 8. William Blake' s Adventures in Los Angeles
9. Three Men Out to Beat Against One (1九妖3) 10. Once Upon a Time in Paris
11. What Is Love?
12. Howard Shore - Who Can Play for King? 13. Albert Einstein 14. Secret Passage
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